Historic Restoration
Rangel Construction is an industry leader in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing buildings, and we’ve had the great honor to work on some of the Midwest’s oldest and most well-known historic structures as a premier provider of historic construction services in the area. We utilize the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as our guideline for preserving, rehabilitating, restoring, altering, and reconstructing historic buildings and structures. Rangel Construction also turns to the support of professional historic consultants and engineers for the successful completion of all of our historic projects. From historic building restoration to repairing cracks and damage to concrete and windows, we have a wide range of expertise in restoration and repair.

Some examples or our restoration and repair services include:
- Historic facades
- Historic windows
- Historic doors
- Historic interiors
- Historic roofs
- Historic remodeling
- Floor, wall, and ceiling repair